Points North
Rosyth Europarc, Rosyth,
Scotland, KY11 2YB
Tel +44(0)1383 417084
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07860 885154
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The 909 (F) connects up to 5 NMEA 0183 talkers and combines their data into one output. Software in the 909 filters out all the unwanted data and passes only the required data. This avoids the overloading caused by some instruments that send large quantities of data.
Applications include combining the data from several sources into ECDIS, radar or data logger, via their one data input port.
The filter can be tailored to the customer’s exact requirements, e.g. all $GPGLL, all $GPVTG. Alternative gyro heading, alternative $SDDPT depth, $WIMWV wind once per second, all $RATTM radar tracked target messages.
INPUT: 5 NMEA 0183 ports. Opto isolated. The <lf> character marks the end of each sentence.
OUTPUT: NMEA 0183 data repetition of data input on a first message-in, first message-out principle. Data is discarded in the event of overload, so that recent data is output, not historical data.
5v CMOS limited 5mA drive.
NMEA 0183, RS422, RS232 compatible.
POWER: 9 to 32v DC at 200mA.
HOUSING: Duck Egg Green diecast box 222 x 146 x 55mm. Fitted with compression glands. Quantity to suit.
FEATURES: LEDs on data in and out and bicolour status led.
Power fail and program run watchdog circuit.
All connections removable terminal blocks.
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